About Us

How We Got Started

Jack Dubberley (President of Double E Products Ltd.) was approached by our first customer back in 1985.  With Vancouver’s Expo 86 just around the corner, sightseeing companies were quickly popping up and looking for a good PA system to provide the best experience to their customers.

After searching the market and finding little, we came to the conclusion that we better make our own. Our service technician Wayne, created the first generation PA box and is still designing our products to this day.

As our supportive customer base grew, so did their requests for new products!  Just like day one, we realized if one customer is asking, there are hundreds more out there with the same requests.  So we continuously listen to our customer’s needs and build the technology they asked for, making all our products a direct fit and light years ahead of our competition.

Fast forward to today, we are the only company that makes a full line up of PA systems and microphones from hand held to headsets, both wired and wireless.  We supply directly to many bus manufacturers and dealers, so you can request Ready2Talk PA systems when you order your new bus or specialty vehicle.

Enhance your tour experience with the most innovative products designed, with quality, safety and your company image in mind.

That’s why Ready2talk is the new standard in PA systems.  Thanks for checking us out and we look forward to having you on board too!